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Official Cricut Blog

Cricut: The Official Blog
Monday, February 15, 2010
It's been a wild week here, and yesterday - Valentine's Day - I realized that I hadn't made any cards for my family. Whoops! So I got this fun yet simple idea in my head, opened up Design Studio and went to work. I was able to whip up these 5 cards in about an hour and a half. Not bad for me!

The card base itself is from Stretch Your Imagination at 5 1/2". And then I used the Shadow feature from HK Greetings to cut the windows into the card base, and did the same thing with the HK Font cartridge. I then cut out each image at the same size, without the Shadow feature, and did the same with the font. I folded a white 10x5 piece of cardstock into a 5x5 card, and glued it inside, and then attached the non-Shadowed images to the front of that inner white card. Ta-da! So simple! And yes, I really did give my hubby and my Dad Hello Kitty cards, LOL!

And ummmm, didn't I mention something about some blog candy? On these cards (and on my earlier Hugs & Kisses layout), I used Basic Grey's Sugar Rush paper line. This is honestly my favorite paper of all time. I'm in LOVE with it - it just speaks to my soul!!!! The colors, the patterns, everything - it's perfection! So that will be my blog candy - one pack of the Basic Grey Sugar Rush papers. It's 18 sheets of pure double-sided bliss, valued at over $20. To enter, just make sure you're a follower of my blog, and leave a comment on this post. Tell me about your Valentine's Day, or about your favorite line of paper. And don't forget to leave me your email address or messageboard name so I can reach you if you win. I still have an unclaimed prize from my previous blog candy (ShawnfromMN)!! I'll do the drawing on Thursday, February 18th at about 10am pacific time.

Thanks for stopping by. Tune in later this week as I'll be introducing my next class project/kit very soon!!


Ticketgoddess said...

You are AMAZING!!!! These cards are ADORABLE!! Thanks for sharing!!

goatesgirl said...

I really didn't do anything amazing for Valentine's day, but did make some cute things for the fam. DH and I are going to try to go out next weekend when it is easier to find a sitter. As for my fave paper, I don't really have one...anything that's pretty, I like it all!!!

paperscissors said...

that is a very clever idea, this technique adds so much interest and impact with the cutouts! my message board name is studio h and email is paperscissors at live dot ca

Kendra said...

I just love these cards!! I didn't make anything scrappy for Vday, but I did make a chocolate souffle for my family! Baking and crafting somehow go hand in hand! :) Thank you for the chance for that fab paper!


pinkdalmations said...

These cards are so cute. What a quick and creative idea to card making. Especially as I'm the biggest card procrastinator! Love em. PS found you on the Cricut MB.

Doni said...

Those cards are adorable. You did an awesome job, and because of that, I just HAVE to have the Basic Grey paper!!!! Pick me!!!
So cute! Love your blog have some amazing ideas and I'm really going to have fun looking through your past posts!
Hesinmyhrt on the Cricut MB

Toni said...

wow great cards you did a wonderful job , we did not do anything for valentines day , but it was a good weekend non the less, and as for my favrite paper line , i love paper but i'm paper challened have the hardest time buying stuff , so i dont have a favrite line ... thanks for the chance to win ... good luck to everone

Heidi said...

Super cute. I love how you cut out the shadow!

Cricut Green with Envi said...

Hi Monique! of course I am so interested in THIS blog candy!!! These cards are so darn cute, TFS


LesleyfromWI said...

Super cute cards! We had sushi and then did family night by watching a movie!

The McIntyre Family said...

These are very cute!!! Don't feel bad I forgot about it also until yesterday morning. TFS

Roni said...

What precious cards! I find it is so easy to limit myself and to see what you have done is very inspiring. I made candy wrappers for Reese's and cello bags for M&M's! My grandson and I made heart shaped pancakes with strawberry syrup! It was a low key and wonderful V Day! Roni/

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Wow, you did good with the cards, I would say I am impressed, but you always AMAZE me... I WANT TO WIN THE SUGAR RUSH PAPER.... AND YES I AM GOING TO WHINE. lol.. and in case I don't win, would you send me the place where you get it from. hugs

**Treefrog** said...

I already am a follower and love your blog and your creations! My V-Day was spent at home with my Dear Hubby and Dear Son and we played games and cooked and ate and just had a FUN day. We had snow so we didn't want to drive anywhere. Thanks for the Candy, oh yea had some of that yesturday too LOL!
Theresa K

Dallas Freyer said...

These are super cute. I like you, was so busy this weekend I didn't even make cards for my family. I made treat bags for my co-workers and my daughters friends, but my husband got a store-bought card. Thanks for a chance to win, Dallas

jan farnworth said...

what a special blog candy i am really loving the other new line of basic grey (orgins) i noticed the sugar rush and it looks neat to.

Anonymous said...

Those are cute, cute, cute! DH and I celebrated Valentine's Day on Saturday with a rare dinner out alone. We spent Sunday with family relaxing. Thanks for the blog candy.

A Rup Life said...

Those cards are adorable!! Thanks for another great blog candy chance!! Yesterday was alright for Vday ~ I was sick so I slept most of the day. DH bought me Sweetheart cricu cart so that was nice.

IRW Dana said...

Those cards were so cute. LOVE LOVE the paper. Thanks for the inspiration. I already a follower and I check in with you daily. Always looking for new ideas. Thanks

Leah (aka Mary_not_Martha) said...

I love the hearts! Adorable! Our Valentine's day was a whirlwind but started off with my 7 year old (the wiley one) sitting straight up and hugging me tight for a full 5 seconds and telling me he loved me.................

scrapguy said...

shut the front door these are SUPER DUPER cute! you must do a video on how to do this--

Jessica Wekenman said...

These cards are so cute! I have not gotten to play with Basic Grey paper, yet. I hear they are the best, so definitely plan on buying a pack, the next chance I get! I enjoy seeing everything you create!!!

crafty49er said...

Hi Monique, I am a follower for a few days now, love your blog and your cards are so cute. I have some family in Rocklin [cousins, friends,etc] the area is beautiful. My daughter lives in
Grass Valley and a brother in Greenwood [he is a bailiff in Auburn]. It is great that you can use part of your home as a classroom, that must be fun. Thanks for sharing your cards.

Trisha I said...


Only you can create this many cards in an hour and a half. It took me 4 long evenings to create 4 cards for my loved ones! Pick me for the paper, I need the help of the cute designs!

flowerdisco said...

Hi Monique, my Valentine's day was nothing special. My Dh had to work, my son had his own plans so I just stayed home and didn't even make a special dinner. Shame on me!:( About the cards, did you use center point? I have been practicing with that feature, any tips? They came out gorgeous, the idea is phenomenal. TFS!

Mindy said...

My Valentine's Day was horrible. I didn't get anything for the day. I am 7 3/4ths months pregnant and it was a super emotional day for me. So, urgh!!! Loved your cards. Cute Cute.



Sharka said...

The cards are ADORABLE!!! We have the 2010 Olympics here and after spending our entire Saturday, we went back yesterday and had some sushi dinner, watched Canada get their first gold on home ground and then walked around again catching in all the excitement - GO CANADA GO! :)Sharka

cindyh said...

Those cards are so adorable! We went out for dinner on saturday night (a local middle school was doing a parents' night out - so they got to watch a bunch of kids, including mine).

Kimberly White said...

I love Basic Grey but I don't buy it much. I did when I had a LSS that was closer by and sold it by the sheet. Thanks for the chance to win.

MedicScrapper said...

Thanks for the giveaway !!! Beautiful cards ~ TFS :)

Melissa S said...

Adorable cards!! I {heart} Basic Grey paper!! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

Anonymous said...

You make things look so the cards! For VDay we went to a dinner theater. My dh was an actor in it...was fun to watch. Coming home afterwards, w all the snow we've had, my dh got stuck. I had to take another route around and back track to get home to get a shovel to dig him out. Major 4-wheeling, I'm tellin you! My 17 yo dd and her friend were riding w me and her friend, who usually doesn't says, "I'm buckling!" It was quite fun when all was said and done! Ya kinda had to be there.

aka cyimbugbitten

Pam said...

I love these cards! My fave paper is definitely Basic Grey

Stacey said...

Love your blog! These cards are sooo cute! Just hung out at home with the family for VDay!

SandyGarrett said...

These are so cute! I am loving the Hello Kitty stuff. Thanks for sharing!!1

Deb said...

These are just adorable.

Carrie K said...

Your cards are so cute!

KengeB said...

FAB cards I wish I had done something like that for my kiddies

Tanya said...

Love these cards!! Already a follower! I left little surprises on my grandmothers doorstep for 3 days leading up to Valentine's Day! So much fun! Thanks for the chance to win some paper!!
phenis2031 at yahoo dot com

Suzy said...

Your cards are so cute! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Amy Vandiver said...

Those card are really neat, I love the window look to them, would have never thought of that!!

Amy V

Bobbi said...

Cute cards, I have the HK cart on my wish list. Love all the projects I have seen with it on your blog. We had a family day for Valentine's and just spent the day with the kids.

Sandy Hentzel said...

Cute cards!!! I'm "borrowing" this idea!

We went to dinner the 15th instead and spent $80. All ! could think was, "I could have bought two cartridges for this!!!"

I didn't say that to my husband though, lol!

Kitty M said...

Love your cards! I spent Valentine's Day with my DH. I even made him a card! He treated me with personalized M&M's. So sweet!


pcrusberg said...

Monique, what a clever way to do your cards! I just love them all. As for V-day, no big whoop in our house, but we did go to dinner. Thanks, Pam
pcrusberg at aol dot com

Crooked Scrapper said...

Very Cute! I helped all 3 grandchildren make VD cards for thier classmates. Fun, fun, fun. We had lots of fun.

Anonymous said...

I just love Basic Greys Sugar Rush it too speaks to me right down to my very soul, the patterns, colors, and so on....

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I really like all your cards you made. I like all your great ideas. Thanks for a chance to win.

Denni said...

What adorable cards and I love that paper too!! Well I love ALL paper, doesn't everyone? LOL!

As always, thanks for sharing your beautiful creations!

Cricut Critter said...

I wish i can come up with such great cards in a couple of hours. I also used HK for valentine's except that I had already made them in your class!

Grammy GG said...

I made 10 Target mailboxes for all the grandchildren. They loved them and the candy inside. Grammy's know what kids like!! :-) Always love beautiful paper--thanks for the opportunity.

TinaGAle said...

Cute cards. I made a few cards for my family that you can check out on my blog using my gypsy and cricut.
We went out to dinner with two families on Saturday night since my son was in from college that night. It was a blast to share it with close friends. On Sunday hubby and I exchanged gifts and had a quite day at home.

Kim Wilson said...

I love these cards!! Hello kitty is my favorite :) thanks for the inspiration!!! Please enter me in the contest for the goodies! I am new to stamping so any supplies will help :)

corrie71 said...

I love Basic Grey too! My favorite line is fruitcake.

I follow your blog via Google Reader.

Dawn McCarty said...

I had a great v-day. My husband got a necklace for the kids to give me. I is the best. Thanks for the blog candy. I hope to win.

Loraine said...

What adorable cards!!! I love your projects, they are so amazing!! said...

What an adorable idea for these cards! I love the HK font cart! Basic Grey makes the best papers, I just love most of them, but don't actually have a lot of them- it would be great to win some!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Monique, these cards are adorable. Love the paper! I have to have these papers! Thanks for the blog candy...........

ScrappinT said...

What pretty cards! I love that paper!!!!

Beary Crafty said...

Monique, you are absolutely amazing! I love, love, love HK :) Valentine's day was fun, my hubby suprised me with some chocolate covered strawberries! Yum! :p

Lezlye said...

Hi Monique,

I too love basic grey, however there are so many others out there it is hard to choose! I am really liking the MME pads that Michaels is carring too!
Love the hello kitty cards!

Kathleen said...

These cards are sooo adorable. I am embarrassed to say that I completely forgot it was Valentine's Day this past weekend. We have had so much snow here the past week or two, with my son home from school every other day it seems, that I just plain forgot. Even forgot to have him make his Valentines for school for this past Friday because they were out Wednesday and Thursday (AGAIN).

I did make some homemade cinnamon buns, though, so I didn't completely wimp out. You are so creative - wish I could have come up with some great cards in an hour and a half on Sunday morning for the fam when I realized it was V-Day. Send some of your sunshine our way and maybe I can get out of this slump!!! LOL Thanks for sharing, as always.

I am a paper junkie and love any and all paper that is beautiful and colorful. Double-sided is my favorite!! Hope I win!

Kathleen in NJ

Carrolyn Holliday said...

Wow! How the heck do you do that? I just can't believe the things you come up with! You are amazing!

48scrappin said...

Just to cute! Love it! I myself made my family candy boxes and my dh a sweet card. I did use the Love Struck Valentine Cartridge. Loved the mailbox and candy box cut out on that one. I adore Basic Grey paper too, but I do not have a number one favorite as of yet. Thanks Monique for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Your projects are always FANTABULOUS, wish I had a 1/4 of your talent... love that paper!!!

Tuki from the Cricut MB!!!

Anonymous said...

I Love these cards. What a cute idea. I forgot all my family too. Maybe if I win the paper pack I can make it up to them. Thanks Monique.....

Dana in Idaho

Angela W said...

So cute! I can't believe you made them so fast...under pressure! Lovin' that Basic Gray paper and wanting it of course! Aren't we vultures?

Vickie_M said...

Love your work. Your kits have been fabulous. Love the card idea. I will have to see if I can make it work. thanks for all you share.

Mom2Fiveplus3 said...

Those cards are adorable. You are so very talented. Love your kits since I am in snowy and cold OHIO.

Josie0602 said...

I love everything you do!! Such a great idea to cut out the front and place the images and fonts inside.

Melissa said...

Love them!

MelissaAllore on the Cricut Board

Laurinda said...

First let me say, I love those cards. Great idea! I'm kinda like you. Sometimes the paper just speaks to me. Valentine's was quite this year at our house. We tried to get out but a tiny bit of snow melted on the roads and then froze making things very slick. So we opted for a quite day at home.

Laurinda Cricut MB

Sheila said...

I love BG paper. I think my fave would have to be sultry. Love what you did with this stack too! Mopster67 from the Cricut MB.

Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for sharing these.
V-day- didn't do much as we had a funeral to attend. Kind of a bad weekend for us. So we did for the kids but elected not to do for each other this year. Fav. paper is Basic greay and MME! Both of which you use beautifully!. Thanks for this offer.

angelfear0708 at yahoo dot com

Sarah said...

Love the cards! Sweet and simple and HELLO KITTY! It doesn't get better than that! Thanks for sharing, monique!

Karen V. said...

Love the cards for the family! I made my hubby a card inspired by your card for the troops and he LOVED it! Thank for the blog candy! Karen

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your creations. I would love to win something(sometime). Basic grey is my all time fav.

Katherine said...

I agree with Ticketgoddess - you are amazing. These cards are great. I just received the two kits I ordered. I can't wait to get started!!

Marisa said...

I didn't do anything for Valentines day just stayed home!

Carrie's Corner said...

Cute cards. I like the holes are punched for the inner card to show thru. I gotta say that BG is my favorite line of papers. I've not been buying any in an effort to use up what I have, so I don't have any of the Sugar Rush. Would love to win! Thanks!

About Me

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Monique Griffith
Rocklin, CA, United States
The Monique Griffith Design Team consists of 4 Cricut Designers: Monique, Wendy Lawrence, Susan Rees and Becca Rees. We specialize in making Cricut Project Kits that you can make on your own with your Cricut, learning more about your bug in the process. You just need your Cricut Expression, the required cartridge(s), and a few basic tools. The directions come with a Cricut Cut Chart that shows you line by line exactly what you'll need to cut on your machine, with all of the settings for each cut. There are also well-organized written instructions and color photographs. We pride ourselves on our detailed designs, and on teaching others how to most effectively design with the Cricut. Currently, we have have downloadable directions on sale for only $5, and there are over 50 projects to choose from.

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