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Sunday, November 30, 2008

I made this TinkerBell wall hanging for Emily's room with my brand new TinkerBell cartridge. Thank you, Michael's for such an awesome sale. Woohoo!! I can't wait to do more designing with this cart - it has so much on it!


Laura said...

This is sooo adorable. Great job!

scrapn_momof2 said...

Just too cute!! It will look adorable in her new room.

Tifany said...

Really cute!

Pamela said...

found you thru the cricut mb. I love your scrapbooking work, you are very creative! I also noticed you have a couple of pups, i am having a giveaway right now on my blog for doggie lovers, it is the third post down if you are interested!

Jen said...

Oh coooool! I just got this one too! Can't wait to get cutting!
Great job on the wall hanging! SO cute!

all4sydney said...

That will look great in her new room!! I just love my Tink cart too!!

Becca said...

Hey sister! Great job on Tink, love it! I can't wait to make one for Sam. Hugs and congrats on the house.

Anonymous said...

Lovely card!! I've looked at your whole blog (linked from the "Let's Share Our Blogs" thread from the Cricut MB) and I just want to say that ALL of your creations are ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!! You do great work!! Keep it up!!

Jolynda =)

About Me
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Monique Griffith
Rocklin, CA, United States
The Monique Griffith Design Team consists of 4 Cricut Designers: Monique, Wendy Lawrence, Susan Rees and Becca Rees. We specialize in making Cricut Project Kits that you can make on your own with your Cricut, learning more about your bug in the process. You just need your Cricut Expression, the required cartridge(s), and a few basic tools. The directions come with a Cricut Cut Chart that shows you line by line exactly what you'll need to cut on your machine, with all of the settings for each cut. There are also well-organized written instructions and color photographs. We pride ourselves on our detailed designs, and on teaching others how to most effectively design with the Cricut. Currently, we have have downloadable directions on sale for only $5, and there are over 50 projects to choose from.
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