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Sunday, May 8, 2011
Today is Mother's Day, and I want to wish all of you moms out there a wonderful day.  But I also know that not all of us women are moms, and some of us women have even recently lost our mom, so it can be a tough day in some ways.  So to those of you who struggle with this day, big warm hugs and special blessings go out to you.  You are ALL wonderfully important and loved!!!

And you are all also invited to participate in this special bonus giveaway I have going on!!!  Provo Craft was kind enough to send me these FABULOUS paper flowers for Mother's Day, along with some little tags that are each good for a 3 month Cricut Circle Membership.  So, I am giving away TWO of these tags!!  Let's hear it for Provo Craft!!!!!  To enter, just leave a comment on today's post, and come back on Monday and leave one on Monday's post as well.  I will draw the winners from Sunday and Monday's comments, and will post the winners sometime Tuesday.  (See bottom of this post for the winner of last week's blog candy.)

And for those of you who don't know, here's what you get with a 3 month Circle Membership...

One exclusive cartridge.
Special buying privileges such as rebates, monthly coupons and opportunities to buy other exclusive products for your Cricut, from friends and partners of Provo Craft.
Extra reward points and special discounts.
A members-only bracelet with an exclusive Cricut Circle charm.
Access to a free, online version of Cricut magazine.
Inspiration and education from exclusive Cricut Circle webinars, swarms, meet-ups and events.

And speaking of blog candy, would you like to know who won last week's prize?  It was a special one to celebrate reaching 2500 followers.  So for this winner, I will make a custom-designed 2 page layout in her choice of theme.    And the winner is......

surfnfroggie said...

    Looks like ya'll had a great time! Glad you are doing well and are able to do such wonderful things for the CURE!

Congratulations, surfnfroggie!  Just email me at and we'll start tossing some ideas around.


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Anonymous said...

hi monique! i'd love a chance to win this! and happy mother's day to you!

scrapaholicjen said...

Love the Cricut Circle! Thanks for the chance to win!
qtme2003 at yahoo dot ca

Faye's Crafti Corner said...

What an awesome treat. I would love to win this. Thank you Monique and ProvoCraft for the awesome gifts.

Anonymous said...

I love the circle, sometimes forgot how much they have to offer. Looks like Cricut has been busy crafting...your flowers are beautiful. Have a blessed Mother's Day.
caseytoney at yahoo dot com

owlbescrappin said...

What an awesome Surprise. I would love to win. I am in the circle but can't afford to renew. I love the group of talented supportive ladies and will miss them terribly

quiltofhope at aol dot com

Kathy's Kreative Spot said...

This would be awesome to win.
Katsews at gmail dotcom

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day. I know this is an especially joyous Mother's Day for you. How awesome of PC to pick you and to choose pink flowers; how appropo. I would love to win a trial membership to test the waters.

Your Sister in the Fight,

Carmen Pinto (ScrapperDelighted)

Karsten said...

Happy Mother's Day Monique. I hope your day is special and blessed.


Brenda said...

Happy Mother's day! What a nice thing to do!! I am in the circle but would love to win this for my little sister who can't afford to be in the circle.

Alishia said...

Your so lucky to get these!!!!
hope you have a ncie mothers day!

ysd_54 said...

Thank you for the opporotundity to win. I would like to have the chance to try the circle. Happy Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I would love to see what the Circle is all about!

Kelly Massman said...

Lovely! How fun that you got the flowers! thanks also for a chance to win!

TKDMOM said...

i would love a chance to win a trial of the circle I have been trying to decide if i should join and this would help me make up my mind.
Happy Mother's Day to you

Josie0602 said...

Those flowers are so gorgeous!! Thanks for the chance to win a trial membership!!
jtg0398 at sbcglobal dot net

Carol said...

Congrats on receiving this lovely bouquet of flowers Monique ... how great of PC to do this, I love the thought behind it and the idea of sharing the "circle" love!

I am a Circle member, and know that the winner's of these pretty flowers will love their gift too!


Anonymous said...

What a Fab Mother's Day Surprise!! Congrats and thank for a chance to win...


Scattychick said...

Happy Mother's day Monique x

Love the flowers and that you don't need to remember to water them lol :)

Unknown said...

Hi Monique,
I would love a chance to join the circle, unfortunately you can't pay to join if you live outside USA/Canada :(
Hope I win, then I can get to see all the great things you clever people do :)

Lucy said...

Happy Mother's day! I had fun yesterday celebrating NSD with a friend scrapping all day. What a weekend :) Thanks for the chance to win.

ScrappinCricut said...

That is such an awesome idea...and your flowers are just beautiful! :-)

DebC said...

OOOH great giveaway. I would love to be a part of the cricut circle but jsut wasn't sure about the cost etc. So this would give us a chance to try it out! Thanks for the opportuniity!
Debbie C

Kim. said...

Happy Mother's Day to you all. This is an awesome give away and thank you for the chance to win.
Kim xXx

mom2h said...

Since I spend my Cricut budget on cartridges, I don't have money left to join the circle. Would love to win.
Happy Mother's Day. I am one who recently lost my Mom, so today is bittersweet. said...

Monique, I just ordered an Imagine, so I will be putting off a Circle membership. So, I would be thrilled if I could win! Thanks for the chance! cjdempsey9 at msn dot com

joni said...

The flowers are beautiful! What a great opportunity! Thanks!

arcocha at yahoo dot com

Cindy said...

Hi Monigue! Happy Mother's Day!

snoflaks at embarQmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Great bouquet! also what a great prize you are giving away..... sure would love to win it!


Maquel said...

Ahhhh! I would love to win a trial of the Circle! Can't afford to join myself right now, but it would be the BEST Mother's Day present to win this! Thanks, Monique and PC! Happy Mother's Day to you,as well!

SabineV said...

oh thank u for the chance to win this!!!!

Amy Vandiver said...

What a wonderful treat!! Hope you have a great mothers day Monique!! Thank you for the chance to win one!!

Amy V

silly_giurl_823 At hotmail dot com

Dallas Freyer said...

Wow, what a great gift from PC. The flowers are beautiful. Thanks for a chance to win. Thanks, Dallas

blueskygirl said...

How generous of you to share with us!

Melissa said...

Congrats to the winner and what a super sweet thing of you to share with us Monique!!!


cgreer said...

those flowers are awesome! and i would love to try the cricut circle, thanks for the chance. hope your mother's day is special!

creativeties said...

These are so beautiful Monique! I love everything about the cricut and would love an opportunity to be in the circle too!! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful Mother's Day!

katieb'screativeendeavors said...

Happy mothers day Monique-have an awesome day with your daughter and family
kateb said...

Thank you Monique for thinking of us on Mother's Day!! YOU are so kind and thoughtful, since you too are a mother and celebrating as well!! And what a wonderful gift to receive!!! LOVE Provo Craft's generousity!! Also, Congrats to surfnfroggie for her great win!!!
Happy Mother's Day to you, Monique!!!!

Leslie said...

Thank you and PC for a chance to win. Those flowers are very pretty!!!

Gracie's Blog said...

Wow!!! How awesome is this!!! Happy Mother's day to you!! You are an amazing person. I followed through your journey during last yr, I just want to say that you are an amazing person!!

Ms. Bekah said...

What lovely flowers! Happy mother's day to all the women out there; if you're a mother or not, you're special to someone in this world.

RobinH said...

those flowers are so cool! thank you for giving us a chance to win!

Margo said...

Monoque, I would LOVE to win a membership! I really want to be a part of the circle. Thanks for the chance & please pick me!
go-go on the cricut mb
jacobsonbruce at sbcglobaldotnet

The Happy Scrapper said...

Happy Mother's Day! I love the energy you have for life and for scrapbooking! Thanks for the chance to win! Continued good health to you, too! Jackihrm at aol dot com

It's Owl Good Stuff said...

Wow. Thanks for the excellent blog candy! I'd love to win a 3 month circle membership! Happy Mother's day to you!!!

R said...

HAPPY MOTHERS'S DAY,everyone! Would love to win this wonderful prize!


Crystal said...

Monique Happy Mothers day. HUGS! I am so thankful you are so sweet to share! I would love to be in the circle!

Suz said...

Happy Mothers Day Monique!! Hope you have a super awesome day!! Thanks for the chance to win this great prize! Thanks for sharing~Suz

Candice said...

How great PC is for sending the flowers. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day.

Faye J said...

I've only had my Expression for six months but totally in love with it. Having the opportunity to win the Cricut Circle would be fantastic.

Shannon said...

I would love to win! Thx for the oportunity!
sirvin12 at cox dot net

-mandy said...

Happy Mother's Day!
Those flowers are so neat!
Thanks for a chance to win an awesome prize!
Love your blog Monique!

Minnesota Nana said...

Would love to try Cricut Circle. Thanks for opportunity to try for 3 months!

gshrader said...

Happy Mother's Day!
Would love to be part of the cricut circle! Thanks for the chance!
gayle_shrader at yahoo dot com

Noneya said...

this sounds like such fun!

totally want to scraplift the flowers!! :)
herronlk at yahoo dot com

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Happy Mothers Day Sweet Lady!

chandale_berry said...

Happy Mother's Day to everyone. Thanks for the chance to win.

Elannah said...

They are beautiful flowers! I wonder what paper they used to make them with.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to surfnfroggie! Lucky you! Thanks, Monique and PC for the chance to win the circle membership...I'd love to see what it's all about!

Carol aka cyimbugbitten
bugbitten at hotmail dot com

Ann R. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ann R. said...

Happy Mother's Day! (Missing my mom today ...) Thanks for the chance to win. :)

Ashley said...

Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway!

navybaby1113 (at) gmail (dot) com

Vickie said...

Hi Monique and Happy Mother's day to you too. Hope you had a good time at the race yesterday. I'd love to win this fabulous giveaway. God Bless your week.

Barb said...

Happy Mother's Day, hope you have an awesome day!! I've been thinking about taking the plunge and joining the Circle and this could be just the push I need! Thank you for the chance to win, Barb

craftymom205 said...

Happy Mother's Day. Thanks for the chance to win.

craftymom205 at yahoo dot com

slsf1221 said...

A Big Happy Mothers Day to you. I just love looking at your stuff and getting inspired from it. I would love a chance to win this! To all the mothers out there have a great day.
Shari Stevenson

kristyscraps said...

Happy Mothers Day! Ooooh...aaaah...the circle. Sounds fun!

Meems said...

Happy Mother's Day to you, dear Monique. It's been quite a year for you .... what a trouper you are. Love, love, love those flowers. Thanks for the chance to win and enjoy your day.

Carrie's Corner said...

I have so been wanting to try the Circle but I was taking classes to finish my degree and now DS is graduating HS next weekend. I finally am getting to a point where I could take full advantage. Thanks for the chance and Happy Mother's Day!

cau0617 at yahoo dot com

My Serendipity said...

Happy Mother's Day! thank you for a chance to win :)

Ellen said...

Thanks for the chance to win Monuque! I am so Happy to see you back on the board .I would love to see what the Circle is all about!

Crafty Card Gallery said...

Hi Monique! I'd love to win this... Been thinking about joining but am not sure if it's worth it... This would help make the choice! Happy mothers day!!
Craftycardgallery at gmail dot com

Nati Tristan said...

How fab! Congratulations to the winner and good luck to everyone on the new giveaway! Thanks Monique! Also, Happy Mother's Day!

Carrie K said...

Happy Mothers Day!!! Thanks so much for the chance to win! It would be an awesome Mothers Day gift!!

Kristie Maynard said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too! I hope your day is sunny and bright and full of wonderful memories! Congrats to the winner!
Thanks to you and Provo Craft for the chance to win this wonderful prize!
kristie at lashotphotography dot com

Judie Lawrence AKA ScrapinNamaw said...

Happy Mother's Day to you! The paper flowers are awesome, love them.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win 3 months to the circle to see if i like it! And Happy Mothers Day to you and your Mother !!

Heather said...

Happy Mother's day to you! The flowers are so pretty! Thanks for the chance to win!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com

Kaypossum said...

Thanks for the chance. Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day yourself!

Unknown said...

Happy mother's day!!! The flowers besides being beautiful have a prize...yippee!

Mary Jean said...

Happy Mothers Day! Thanks for a chance to win this! And thanks for the mention of those of us who arent mothers. Even at my ripe ole age of I really 55 now!!!...sometimes I at least feel a little sad and down that there was no child in my life. Don't get me wrong...I realize that if we had had a little one the chance of it inheriting Bob's md was there...and there is no way either of us wanted to take a chance on that. But sometimes smart choices sting years later! I'm lucky though!! I have 12 wonderful nieces and nephews and 15 great nieces and nephews to spoil!

bunnysmama said...

Happy Mother's Day to you. How very kind of you to do this for people.

I miss my mum. In November of 2009, she suffered a seriesof strokes. She survived, but my sister moved her away to care for her. You see I, too had a series of strokes that left me unable to care for her at the time. She and I are now better, but distance separates us. My own daughter married and has also moved away.

Many mum's are alone on this special day. You have done a lovely thing by making someone feel loved today!

Thank you.

Unknown said...

Monique I hope you have a wonderful Mothers day and that you enjoy those beautiful flowers! How wonderful.


Mandy said...

Beautiful Flowers! I'd love the chance to win a 3 month circle membership!! Thanks

Dakota Bear said...

Happy Mother's Day Monique!
Such a beautiful bouquet of paper flowers.

marcia said...

oh my goodness, i would love love love this prize. thanks for the op and happy mother's day weekend!

Sharka said...

Your flowers are gorgeous!! Don't know about Cricut Circle till today and so thank you for the chance to win and I hope you and all the wonderful mums have a wonderful Mother's Day today :))

Vicki and Don said...

Happy Mother's Day! I love the flowers from PC! At least they will last and last and...well, you get the picture! :-)

majessie18 said...

Love these flowers. How nice of Provo Craft!!

Alisha S said...

What beautiful flowers! I would love the chance to win a 3 month membership to see what the circle is all about.

Alisha S
jascheide at msn dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love to be in the circle. Happy Mothers Day.

Anonymous said...

So pretty!!! Great job PC! Thanks for giving those of us a chance to join the circle who may not have a chance to. I have wanted to join since day 1, I would <3 a chance to join for 3 month and partake in the fun and hopefully get to meet some crafters in my area! TFS!!! Happy Mothers Day! -Sam :-)

SamanthaJDesigns @

Queenie said...

Happy Mothers' Day Monique and congratulations on the money you and your team raised for the CURE. I love the circle and it would be an awsome gift to win.

kflatt said...

Happy Mother's day to you. Love the paper flowers. Maybe one day I'll get around to trying to make those :)

Jill said...

Wow! Cricut circle... Pick me, pick me!!

Charlotte said...

Monique Happy Mother's Day to you!!! The paper flowers are beautiful. I would love it if you could teach it as a class!!!! Have a great day!!!


Cheryl O said...

Happy Mother's Day, Monique! How thoughtful of you to share your gift with us........ Thank you for the chance to win...

Nhi P. Tran said...

I would totally love to join the cricut circle. Those flowers were very lovely. :]

R. Dorrian6 said...

What an amazing surprise! I've been thinking about joining the circle for quite some time now. I've been saving so that I could do the yearly membership next time it's offered. A free trail membership would be just the thing to totally convince me. Who I am kidding? I know I am going to love it!

Conley Family said...

What a sweet thing to share!! Keeping my fingers crossed!

RachelTate said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful flowers with us! Happy Mother's Day!

jcinokc said...

Those flowers are beautiful. That was so sweet of Provocraft to send those out to some lucky ladies. Thanks for the chance to win!

jenlovcarr at aol dot com

Fairhill Manor Croppers Scrapbooking said...

Thank you for sharing... Happy Mother's Day to all... would love to win this......thanks again

CathyinMN said...

Congrats Surfnfroggie! I hope Monique shows us the layout she does for you! Monique, thanks for a chance to win a 3-month membership to the Cricut Circle!
tcsobotka at charter dot net

MulticrafterAmy said...

Thanks for sharing your flowers with us. I would really like to try the Circle out. I always wondered what it's all about. I just don't like to pay for something when I don't know what I am getting. So this way I could try it out and see if I like it. Happy Mother's Day!!!
amywooten2010 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Happy Mothers Day All,
I would love the chance to win a 3 month circle membership. I just can't seem to justify the money so maybe this would give me the kick I need to explore!
Pat H

Amanda C. said...

Happy Mother's Day!! Thanks for the chance to win! :)

Lesleyanne said...

Awesome giveaway! thanks for the chance!

LindaP said...

wow... what a great surprise!! I would love the chance to win!! Thanks for sharing 7 Happy Mother's Day!!

Andrea said...

That's so cool that Provo Craft sent you the flowers and the tags!

Happy Mother's Day!

andystamper at gmail dot com

kay mcbride said...

what a beautiful arrangement! happy mothers day and i look forward to a chance to win. i would love to try the cricut circle
kay mcbride

Melanie Mason said...

Wow the flowers are gorgeous! You have no idea how badly I want to be in the circle haha so this is the ultimate giveaway for me! Unfortunately on a student budget I cant afford to shell out the money to join to this would be an amazing win for me! Thank you so much for the chance to win!

Always love your blog! Hapy Mothers Day to everyone!

Maureen Reiss said...

Wow!!Awesome flowers!!! Thanks for the chance to win!! I rreally wanted to get in the circle, but it just wasn't in our budget! boo hoo lol
reissfam10 at aol dot com

Lady Fair said...

I hope you had a great race day! A free 3 mo. membership would be awesome. I've been thinking of joining the Circle, but wasn't sure it was for me.

pagecropper said...

Happy Mother's Day. Hope you are enjoying it. I would love to win a 3 month membership. It would certainly cap off my great Mother's Day.

Dana said...

Beautiful flowers! Thanks for sharing! :)


byAnnette said...

Beautiful pink flowers
Would love the chance to try the Cricut Circle. Thanks

Congrats on going over 2500 followers!

Ladybug said...

What a beautiful bouquet (esp. the pink for you!) and thought behind it.

Thanks for a chance to win this awesome gift.

This is a very special day for you, Monique! -- Happy Mother's Day!! :-)

Carol W. said...

I would love to win this, thank you for the chance!

motherloves3 said...

I would love to win a chance to be in the Cricut Circle. thank you PC. Happy Mother's Day Monique
motherloves3 at hotmail dot com

gssfam said...

Oh My Goodness! I would LOVE a chance to win this prize!!!!! I didn't even know there was a membership you could get with Cricut! I LOVE mine and would love to find a place for more inspiration to use it!!!!! :D

mamatwoboys said...

What a great prize! I just received my E2 Anniversary Edition for my Mother's Day. Cricut Circle would be a nice treat. I'll be back tomorrow!

Janice W. said...

Beautiful bouquet from PC!!! Would love to be a member of the Circle, even if only for a short time.


Anonymous said...

These flowers are so pretty. Thanks to you and Provo for a chance to win.

pookie213 at aol dot com

Michele Banker said...

Happy Mother's Day to you! Thanks for the fabulous blog candy and for all your creative inspiration.

Janeen said...

Happy Mother's Day! Thanks Monique and Provo Craft for a chance to win this awesome prize! :)
majelica at comcast dot net

Debbie J said...

Happy Mother's Day to all of you!! I hope you had a truly fabulous day.

Travel Bug said...

Thanks for the chance to win this great blog candy....always wanted to be in the Cricut Circle!!

Jen Muller said...

I would love to win a chance to "check out" the Circle!! Thank you, and Happy Mother's Day!!

HappyPlaceJen said...

Happy Mother's Day, Monique! I would love a trial of Cricut Circle! Thanks for the opportunity! Crafting Hugs, Jen

RAP said...

Thank you for your generosity in sharing flowers with your blog readers! I love the colors of the ones they sent you.

Sukie said...

Happy Mother's Day Monique. You truly are so inspiring , thanks so much for sharing your creativity with us! Also, thanks for the opportunity to win such a fabulous prize!

Heather R... mousemomma said...

Happy Mother's Day Monique! I would love a chance to belong to the Cricut Circle.

Cynthia Baldwin said...

Lovely flowers, and awesome giveaway! Thanks to you and PC for the chance to win. :)

IRW Dana said...

Such beautiful flowers!! What a wonderful giveaway.
papermemories4u @ yahoo .com

Ami said...

Wow! You are so lucky to have received such an awesome gift. I would love to win. Thank you for the chance and for the lovely words you posted.

M from Texas said...

Thanks for the chance to win!!! Love your blog!

JenJackScrap said...

Wow! What an amazingly GENEROUS give away! Happy Mothers Day to all if you beautiful women out there. We may not all be moms, but we are all someones daughter. And an especially happy Moms day to you, Monique, to Nana Susan, to Sweet Lucy, to Wendy and to Becca. Love and squeezy hugs to all of you!

Judy said...

I was wanting to give my thanks to you for shaing your fight and giving me tools to use in helping my friend fight her battle against. I had to buy the stamp that said "fight like a girl". My friend like you will truly fight like a girl. said...

Sounds like an awesome thing to share! Thanks for the opportunity to try to win the 3 Month Circle! I have wanted to try it and this would be perfect! Happy Mother's Day!

PurpleLadyBug said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too!!! What beautiful flowers. I would love to win. Thanks for the chance :)

kperlic at hotmail dot com

Bunnyfreak said...

Would love the chance to win. Happy Mother's Day to you.

Sandra said...

I would love the opportunity to win a Cricut circle membership.

Amy M. said...

The flower bouquets from Provo Craft were beautiful - what a lucky lady you are to receive one :)

morose44 at hotmail dot com

Craftyhomemade said...

Happy Mother's day!!! I would love to win.


ItsMeShay said...

Thank you for the chance to win. It is so great of Provo Craft to offer this gift. Also, thank you for mentioning how Mother's day can also be bittersweet. I hope you had a good weekend!

louann said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
louann said...

Cute flowers. I would love to win the 3 month membership. Thanks
Happy Mothers Day to you

Donna said...

These are really nice flowers! Happy Mother's Day, Monique. I know how you treasure each and every day as if it were a holiday!

Today is a special Mother's day for me - my daughter's birthday falls on Mother's Day this year. Makes it a doubly special day for me!

Blessings, Donna

SrapaholicRN said...

Wow, love these flowers. I have wondered about the circle and would love to win this to check them out.
Thanks for giving us the chance to win this.


Elsie said...

I second the warm hugs to everyone who has a hard time on Mother's Day. My last childless Mother's Day was miserable.

I love the paper flowers!

Muggy2 said...

I can't imagine anyone not wanting to try the Cricut Circle. It would be such a gift. I would so love love it. Thank you Monique for being you... you touch more people than you can ever imagine.

Aman said...

What a great giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win!

amanbains1 at gmail dot com

Scraprelief said...

Wow what a pretty bouquet. You deserve it. I think I need to make one of those. thanks julie

Phyllis C said...

Happy Mother's Day Monique--and many, many more. That's the greatest--thanks for the chance to win this. Ya gotta love Provo Craft

Crhiga said...

Happy Mother's Day!!! Congrats to the blog candy winner!!


Debbie said...

this would make a lovely Mother's Day girt to someone, thank you and thanks to Provo Craft
upnurse at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I used to be in the Circle...just couldn't do it this year...JazzyJan

Angie's Paper Passion said...

Hi Monique! Happy Mother's Day and thanks for the chance to try the Circle. I have wanted to try it since it's beginning but just haven't jumped on-board yet. If I won, you know the first thing that I would do? Go order the E2!!! Since I can't afford to do both, I would just throw caution to the wind and go for it!
Thanks Monique

Shauna Carlson said...

Wow! I would love the chance to win this!! Thanks for sharing! Your flowers are beautiful. Happy Mothers Day!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a perfect way to try out the circle. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day. Thanks for a chance to win.


Denise Emmerich said...

I would love to win this. I have been tossing around whether to join or not and as much as I would like to, on disability I cannot afford it. I so would enjoy a 3 month trial to get my creative juices flowing.
Love you Blog and go Team Monique!!

casey Toney said...

surfin froggie...what a great name.....congrats...!!!

Jamie said...

Happy Mother's Day! This is the second Mother's Day without my mom and it was bittersweet. I celebrated with my husband and son and it was a wonderful day. I went and bought some rose bushes and veggie plants today in honor of my mom as that is what we always did for her on this special day. All in all it was a great day!

What beautiful flowers and a great giveaway too. Thanks for sharing with us!

sandra said...

Wow! I thought the was the nicest thing for provocraft to send flowers out to share! I would love the chance to win! THANK YOU!!!

Fran said...

I had no idea about the Cricut circle--how cool. The flowers are very beautiful. Happy mom's day to you also.

Sue said...

I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! I would love to try the Cricut Circle. Thank you for the chance.
(PS-smokie was my bunny who passed away.)

Shelley said...

OMGoodness! The flowers are so cool! How nice of PC to send them and the tags! Hope YOUR Mother's Day was great and thanks so much for the giveaway opportunity! :)


Anonymous said...

Really pretty bouquet of flowers!

Roxane F. said...

I would love to win this! The Cricut Circle sounds like a lot of fun!
mral4 at sbcglobal dot net

Doris P. said...

Happy mothers day! i would be thrilled to 'win' a 3 month membership!! TFS these..

Megan said...

What an awesome give away! I hope that this Mother's Day was extra special for you!

meggiemeg at comcast dot net

candy said...

Thank-you for such a wonderful opportunity & the chance to win it. You are an inspiration to all. Happy Mother's Day

Betsy said...

Wow! These flowers are GORGEOUS! I'd like to know how to make them!! Thanks for the chance to win a great prize!

Anonymous said...

Happy Mothers Day. What a cute bunch of flowers you have received. What great blog candy, it would be awesome to win and belong to such an elite group of inpirational people. TFS

pruttybird said...

What a great chance at winning a great giveaway ...

pruttybird at comcast dot net

Misti❤️ said...

Wow! Love the flowers!! Thanks for the great giveaway!! Hope you had a great Mothers Day!! Always wishing you the best!!

Ann Diehl said...

Those paper flowers are BEAUTIFUL & they won't wilt or die! And I would LOVE to win a membership to the Cricut Circle. I didn't know it contained all those things, wow! Happy Mother's Day, too!

Rachel K said...

The flowers are beautiful!! Thanks for sharing them with us! :) I'd love to be in the Circle!!! said...

I would LOVE to be a circle member!! So exciting! And I love those flowers! Thank you! I LOVE your work!

Scrapper Delighted said...

What an awesome turnout for Team Monique, great job. I want to say thanks again for the chance to win a trial membership.

Donna said...

Thanks Monique! I'd love to see what the "circle" is all about!

fitgardenerkristine said...

I've been tempted to join the circle but haven't yet. Would be great to poke around and see what it's all about! Thanks for the opportunity to win. ~kris

Lynda said...

I would love the opportunity to be part of the circle! Thanks for the chance to win.

Amanda Greenwood said...

Its so great that provo craft has given you the opportunity to give these away, and such a beautiful bouquet of flowers! It would be wonderful to win this!
agreenwood1120 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

These flowers are amazing PC did a great job.

cheryl p said...

so thoughtful of you to mention those for whom Mother's Day can be difficult. and so sweet of you to share your bouquet. thanks for the opportunity! cheryl

Gwen said...

Happy Mother's Day Monique I hope you have an awesome day! What a fun prize.

Cheryl said...

Hope you had a wonderful mother's day Monique! (My computer is down at home so I have to do my blog stuff at work! shhhhh!)I love those flowers and I can't wait to make some! I really want this cricut circle membership! Thanks for sharing your beautiful flowers and for the opportunity to win a spot in the circle!

Northwoodszoo said...

Lovely. And thanks for your mother's day comments -- so thoughtful to include those who don't come to mind at first...

Charlene said...

Wow! What a fun prize! I'd love to win a chance to try the Cricut Circle.
Thanks for the giveaway!
at verizon
dot net

Tamara said...

Happy Mother's Day! I hope it was awesome! I would love to try out circle! I have wanted to for several months but just can't commit the $$ if I don't know if I will like it. This would be a perfect opportunity for me to try it first! Thanks so much for the chance!
sweetheartcopper at msn dot com

debbie susee said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Phyllis C said...

I would love to win this--I love my Cricut, and Provo Craft

Shea said...

What a cool giveaway. I would be wonderful to win three more months in the circle. I have loved being a part of the circle. It's a great thing!! Shea

Just A Pac Rat said...

Wow, love those flowers! I want to know how to make them, mine never turn out that gorgeous.

Thanks for the great giveaway and Happy Mother's Day to all!

Diana said...

Lovely flowers and lovely opportunity you give us to win! Thanks! and Happy Mother's Day all year long!

AShu93 said...

Thanks for the chance to win Monique! I'd love to try out the circle.

Katie said...

I would love a chance to win. I could not afford to join otherwise. Happy Mother's DAy!

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About Me

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Monique Griffith
Rocklin, CA, United States
The Monique Griffith Design Team consists of 4 Cricut Designers: Monique, Wendy Lawrence, Susan Rees and Becca Rees. We specialize in making Cricut Project Kits that you can make on your own with your Cricut, learning more about your bug in the process. You just need your Cricut Expression, the required cartridge(s), and a few basic tools. The directions come with a Cricut Cut Chart that shows you line by line exactly what you'll need to cut on your machine, with all of the settings for each cut. There are also well-organized written instructions and color photographs. We pride ourselves on our detailed designs, and on teaching others how to most effectively design with the Cricut. Currently, we have have downloadable directions on sale for only $5, and there are over 50 projects to choose from.

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